Time to Complete Training:
There is no limit. The video runs approximately 25 minutes, and you may take as long as you need to complete the pre-test and post test.
The purpose of this training module is:
- familiarize you with the Mass Dispensing Plan for Rural Nevada, how to set it up and use its interoperable and modular Point of Dispensing (POD) design
- outline how to implement the POD design, both walk-through and drive-through
- share the process for receiving medical and non-medical countermeasures
- describe how to demobilize a POD
- advise how logistical plans have been developed to support POD operations
There is both at pre-test and a post-test. The pre-test is simply to gauge how much you knew about PODs prior to taking the course. There is no grade requirement. The post-test does require a passing score of 70%.
Course Administrator:
If you need assistance with this module, please contact Vanessa Mason, Training Officer, via email at vmason@health.nv.gov or at 775-684-3223.
Time to Complete Training:
There is no limit. The video runs approximately 22 minutes.
This presentation is intended to provide the viewer with a brief overview of both the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health as well as the Public Health Preparedness program.