This is a mandatory training for Management at NNAMHS, and voluntary for all other staff members. This training will review the Culture we strive to foster at our workplace.

This training is NNAMHS Fire Alarm Training Specific to Dini-Townsend Hospital. It is mandatory for all staff at Dini-Townsend Hospital. It will review the following topics:

Introduction to the Life Safety System and appropriate behavior during a Fire Emergency or Fire Alarm Event

Pre-Requisite for NNAMHS Dini-Townsend Hospital Nursing Fire Captain Training

This is a mandatory training for Clinical Social Workers, Psychiatric Nurses and Allied Therapy staff at the Dini-Townsend Hospital. This training provides general education on treatment plans as well as specific information on the development of treatment plans for patients admitted to Dini-Townsend. 

This course is designed for the Psychiatry, Nursing, and Social Services staff members at Dini-Townsend Hospital. This training will review the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) and the NNAMHS Dini-Townsend Suicide Risk Assessment protocols and procedures. Upon completion of this training, staff members should have knowledge of the C-SSRS as provided by the Columbia Lighthouse Project. Staff should also have an understanding of the C-SSRS forms and how they are utilized in the hospital.